Marcher Tips: How to Identify the Cut-resistant Compound
Time:2010/3/10 11:04:46    View:522

Generally speaking, each OTR brand needs to prepare three kinds of tread compound for mine site application, as following

  • • Heat-resistant Compound
  • • Standard Compound
  • • Cut-resistant Compound

If you have already been in OTR business for years and visited serval mine sites, it is easy for you to identify when to use Heat-Resistant Compound tire, such as high speed (50km/h), long one-way distance (more than 5km) or high TKPH. However, it’s a little bit difficult to choose Standard Compound and Cut-resistant Compound.

Let’s take an example:

29.5-25 L-5 tire for Loader in Gold mine,

  • • If the compound is a standard one, the lifetime would be about 1500-2000hours.
  • • If the compound is cut-resistant one, the lifetime could be higher than 3000-4000hours.

Right Tire to Right Application is not just a slogan. As a professional tire solution provider, Marcher service team will visit the site before making the recommendation. The site condition and the tire running data is the key basis to make the solution.

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